Our Curriculum | English | Mathematics |
Science | PSHE | Music | PE | Art | RE | MFL | D&T | Geography | History | Computing | Extra-Curricular |
Science | PSHE | Music | PE | Art | RE | MFL | D&T | Geography | History | Computing | Extra-Curricular |
‘Sport has the potential to transform lives…’
We aim to deliver high quality physical education to all our pupils. Our curriculum is designed to inspire and encourage pupils to succeed and excel in all areas of sport and other physically demanding activities. We hope that all children will feel confident in their own ability develop a lifelong enjoyment of sport and an understanding of how they can improve.
The curriculum allows for the development of skills in all sports as well as the key requirements for playing as part of a team. We encourage the children to learn from success and defeat and include the school’s core values at the heart of our lessons and fixtures. Each year group has a weekly PE afternoon. In addition, each year group has one half term a year of dance and in years 4 and 5 the children have the opportunity to swim for one term. Our lessons are taught by a dedicated team of PE specialists who are proud and keen to share their expertise with the children. |
Throughout the year we aim for every child to have the opportunity to represent the school at least once at a sporting fixture. Our aim is for the children to build character, become more confident in their ability and feel proud to represent the school whilst having a lot of fun.
There are opportunities for more outdoor and adventurous activities in some of our summer term Enrichment sessions and in our residential school journeys (currently Year 6).
Physical and mental health are key in our children’s lives; we believe our children will achieve more if they lead a healthy lifestyle. In addition to PE lessons, we offer a wide range of sports and associated activities as before and after school clubs. Every class runs the ‘daily mile’ (staff included!) and we make links to other areas of the curriculum and every day life.
There are opportunities for more outdoor and adventurous activities in some of our summer term Enrichment sessions and in our residential school journeys (currently Year 6).
Physical and mental health are key in our children’s lives; we believe our children will achieve more if they lead a healthy lifestyle. In addition to PE lessons, we offer a wide range of sports and associated activities as before and after school clubs. Every class runs the ‘daily mile’ (staff included!) and we make links to other areas of the curriculum and every day life.
Dulwich Hamlet Red Nose Day 2024