We run parent and carer cafes on a variety of topics throughout the school year. Below is a list of our recent cafes, Please click for presentations and associated resources disseminated via the café. Upcoming Cafes: Parent and Carer Cafe : SEND Focus Tuesday 5th March 2024 Parent and Carer Café: Y6 SATs Wednesday 7th February 2024 Please book your place by emailing the school office - [email protected] |
Parent and Carer Café: Sepsis
Y3 Parent and Carer Cafés September/October 2023 Parent and Carer Café: How to help your child manage transition and change Parent and Carer Café: Sepsis Thursday 8th June 2023 between 9.00 and 9.45am Parent and Carer Café: SEND Tuesday 28th February 2023 between 9.00 and 9.45am Parent and Carer Cafe: Music Exams Wednesday 22nd February 2023 between 9.00 and 9.30am Parent and Carer Cafe: Online Harms Thursday 9th February 2023 between 9.00 and 9.30am Parent and Carer Cafe: Y6 SATs Tuesday 31st January 2023 between 8.45 and 9.30am |
Y3 Parent and Carer Cafés September/October 2022
Parent and Carer Cafe: Y6 SATs Tuesday 29th March 2022 between 8.45 and 9.30am Parent and Carer Café: SEND Focus – Dyslexia Friday 4th March 2022 (with a repeat session on Tuesday 8th March) between 9:00am and 9:40am. Facilitated by our SENDCo, Mrs Lilian Koder Y3 Linguistic Phonics Parent Cafe Thursday 13th January 2022 9.00-9.45am Delivered by Kirsty Shreeve Virtual Parent and Carer Café Wednesday 13 May 2020 Delivered by Tom Salomonson & Rachel Evans Y3 & 4 Spelling, Punctuality & Grammar (SPaG) Thursday 5th March 2020 9.00-9.45am Y5 & 6 Spelling, Punctuality & Grammar (SPaG) Wednesday 11th March 2020 9.00-9.45am Practical tips for supporting your young musician at home Café Wednesday 26th February 2020 9.00-9.45am |
ABRSM Music Exam Pupils
A Guide to ABRSM Exams
Delivered by Sharon Campbell, Music Coordinator
Thursday 30th January 2020 9:00-9:45am
Delivered by Carol Lilly, Kidscape. What is bullying? How parents and carers can identify and respond to bullying in its different forms, face-to-face and online.
Thursday 21st November 2019, 6-8pm, Turney Hall
A Guide to ABRSM Exams
Delivered by Sharon Campbell, Music Coordinator
Thursday 30th January 2020 9:00-9:45am
Delivered by Carol Lilly, Kidscape. What is bullying? How parents and carers can identify and respond to bullying in its different forms, face-to-face and online.
Thursday 21st November 2019, 6-8pm, Turney Hall
Online Safety
Delivered by Charlotte Kathe, Prevent Education Officer at Southwark Council. Keeping your children safe online – particularly when using social media.
Thursday 17th October 2019, 9-10am, Burbage
Online Safety - Gaming, facilitated by Charlotte Kathe, Prevent Education Officer, Southwark Council.
Thursday 6th June 2019, 9-10am, Burbage.
Stress Management for Children - 7 Good Habits of Great Parents and Teachers, facilitated by Lorraine Thomas, author, international speaker on resilience and Chief Executive, The Parent Coaching Academy.
Thursday 2nd May 2019
Delivered by Charlotte Kathe, Prevent Education Officer at Southwark Council. Keeping your children safe online – particularly when using social media.
Thursday 17th October 2019, 9-10am, Burbage
Online Safety - Gaming, facilitated by Charlotte Kathe, Prevent Education Officer, Southwark Council.
Thursday 6th June 2019, 9-10am, Burbage.
Stress Management for Children - 7 Good Habits of Great Parents and Teachers, facilitated by Lorraine Thomas, author, international speaker on resilience and Chief Executive, The Parent Coaching Academy.
Thursday 2nd May 2019