Attendance: Why It Matters | Promoting Good Attendance & Punctuality | Meet Our Attendance/Punctuality Team | Punctuality | Attendance
Parental Engagement |Parent & Carer Support| PTA | Parent & Carer Cafes| Lunch Menus | Uniform
Parental Engagement |Parent & Carer Support| PTA | Parent & Carer Cafes| Lunch Menus | Uniform
The aim at Dulwich Hamlet Junior School is to have every child achieve 100% attendance throughout the year. However, the national average for any primary pupil is about 96%. We understand and recognise that children do miss school due to sickness and/or the occasional appointment.
In school we encourage everyone to do their very best and come to school every day and on time.
Dulwich Hamlet:
- Works closely with parents/carers where a child’s absence/punctuality is a cause for concern
- Supports our Hamleteers to achieve excellent attendance and punctuality
- We support children and their families to return to school after a prolonged absence
Reducing illness
If your child is saying they do not feel well and you are unsure about whether it warrants a day off please send them to school. If they are truly ill we will ring you. When deciding whether or not your child is too ill to attend school, the NHS website has some great advice.
Ask yourself the following questions:
What can parents do?
DHJS Attendance and Punctuality Policy
DHJS Attendance Concerns Action Flow Chart
If your child is saying they do not feel well and you are unsure about whether it warrants a day off please send them to school. If they are truly ill we will ring you. When deciding whether or not your child is too ill to attend school, the NHS website has some great advice.
Ask yourself the following questions:
- Is my child well enough to do the activities of the school day?
- Does my child have a condition that could be passed on to other children or school staff?
- Would I take a day off work if I had this condition?
What can parents do?
- Sleep guidelines for primary school children advise 10 hours sleep a night. This will make the following day at school easier for them to cope with.
- Having breakfast helps children stay alert at school.
- Help your child develop routines for homework/reading/bedtime.
- Encourage children to get their school bag ready the night before.
- Where possible, try to make sure that any medical/dental appointments are made for after school or during the school holidays. If they are during the school day, please show your appointment details (letter/email/card/text) to the Admin Team.
- Please don’t take holidays in term time.
- If your child is ill, ring the school as soon as possible on the first day of absence.
- Talk positively about school and coming to school.
DHJS Attendance and Punctuality Policy
DHJS Attendance Concerns Action Flow Chart