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Alongside our COVID specific communications, please see our weekly Hamlet Herald newsletters for further brief updates:
Updated guidance on managing coronavirus (COVID-19) in schools (25th February 2022)
DHJS 'Plan B' Covid-19 Update (9th December 2021)
Covid-19 Warn and Inform Update (7th December 2021)
Covid-19 Warn and Inform (30th November 2021)
Covid 19 Update Letter from the Trust (Monday 14th June 2021)
Reopening to full school letter (Monday 8th March 2021)
KWS Final Information for Tuesday 5th January 2021 Return
Continuous Learning Plan - January 2021 Partial Closures
Covid 19 - Update Testing for Schools (Thursday 17th December)
Key Worker School information and Google form (Thursday 24th September)
Home Learning overview with Google Classroom sign-in details (Monday 21st September)
Welcome back letter and COVID-19 guidance (Monday 7th September)
September 2020 return letter for all pupils (Wednesday 2nd September)
Updated guidance on managing coronavirus (COVID-19) in schools (25th February 2022)
DHJS 'Plan B' Covid-19 Update (9th December 2021)
Covid-19 Warn and Inform Update (7th December 2021)
Covid-19 Warn and Inform (30th November 2021)
Covid 19 Update Letter from the Trust (Monday 14th June 2021)
Reopening to full school letter (Monday 8th March 2021)
KWS Final Information for Tuesday 5th January 2021 Return
Continuous Learning Plan - January 2021 Partial Closures
Covid 19 - Update Testing for Schools (Thursday 17th December)
Key Worker School information and Google form (Thursday 24th September)
Home Learning overview with Google Classroom sign-in details (Monday 21st September)
Welcome back letter and COVID-19 guidance (Monday 7th September)
September 2020 return letter for all pupils (Wednesday 2nd September)