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Our updated policies, current risk assessment and other associated documents
Outbreak Management Plan
The below document gives details about what would happen should there be an outbreak within the school or local community, or should national control measures be put in place:
Covid-19 Outbreak Management Plan September 2021
The below document gives details about what would happen should there be an outbreak within the school or local community, or should national control measures be put in place:
Covid-19 Outbreak Management Plan September 2021
Catch-Up Premium Plan'
Homework Policy Addendum September 2020
Homework Policy (Covid-19)
Catch-Up Premium Plan'
Homework Policy Addendum September 2020
Homework Policy (Covid-19)
Other Documents
Remote Peripatetic Instrumental Lessons Parental Agreement
Device Loan Agreement for DHJS Pupils
Remote Peripatetic Instrumental Lessons Parental Agreement
Device Loan Agreement for DHJS Pupils